Nokia Ubuntu PC Suite

Dacă sunteți în căutarea unei soluții de a conecta telefonul Nokia la un PC cu Ubuntu (sau variantele sale), atunci poate vă ajută Nokuntu. Conform siteului, iată ce funcții are:


  • Works with Gnome (tested, need nautilus)
  • Visually atractive and similar in some aspects to Windows Nokia PC Suite
  • Funcions: autoconfiguration, media file manager, Syncronization with Evolution, send SMS from Nokuntu, send files to your cellphone from Nautilus, Wireless bluetooth webcam, bluetooth PC internet sharer (use the internet connection of your PC over bluetooth to navigate in your phone!), cached maps creator
  • As you can probably note this suites just integrate some features you can do in other ways. Fell free to use this ideas separatelly from nokuntu
  • Full bluetooth implementation
  • Battery and model info in the main window
  • Autodetects bluetooth or USB connection (with different fuctions each)
  • Bluetooth PC internet connection sharer
  • tip for easy backup
Din nefericire, la data scrierii acestui articol autorul spunea că nu poate să se mai ocupe de dezvoltarea acestui soft. 


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