Unelte de descărcat video de pe internet

Update: tocmai am aflat și de Gmediafinder, o unealtă foarte utilă pentru descărcat clipuri de pe diverse siteuri, nu doar YouTube. Poate fi descărcat de pe siteul din link sau puteti adăuga ppa-ul care este scris mai jos pe pagina. Voi reveni cu mai multe detalii despre Gmediafinder, eventual cu un scurt tutorial.
ANUNȚ: aceste informații trebuie considerate o simplă informare cu privire la posibilitățile de descărcat fișiere vide. Nu imi asum nicio responsabilitate de felul cum le folositi! Fiecare este responsabil pentru actiunile lui! De multe ori vrem sa descarcam un filmulet de pe internet, fie ca e vorba de YouTube unde un coleg ne-a postat ceva din facultate, fie ca e vorba de cursurile online de la scoala (da, mai sunt si de astea). Pentru asta avem nevoie de ceva cu care sa descarcam. Mai jos va prezentam cateva optiuni care functioneaza si pe Ubuntu si o scurta prezentare a lor luata de pe siteul oficial.
"Jdownloader is a free, open-source download management tool with a huge community of developers that makes downloading as easy and fast as it should be. Users can start, stop or pause downloads, set bandwith limitations, auto-extract archives and much more. It's an easy-to-extend framework that can save hours of your valuable time every day!"
"4k Video Downloader allows to download video from YouTube in the high quality as fast as possible and to save it on your computer. If you want to get video on iPad, iPhone and other devices, that's your choice too. 4k YouTube to MP3 helps to get audio from YouTube or other services just in one click. No annoying settings, nothing superfluous. Applications are completely free, open source and cross-platform. We paid great attention to simplicity and usability. Downloading is simple and pleasant, just copy link from browser and click "Paste Url". Try it!"  
"DownloadHelper is a tool for web content extraction. Its purpose is to capture video and image files from many sites. Just surf the Web as you are used to, when DownloadHelper detects it can do something for you, the icon gets animated and a menu allows you to download files by simply clicking an item For instance, if you go to a YouTube page, you'll be able to download the video directly on your file system. It also works with MySpace, Google videos, DailyMotion, Porkolt, iFilm, DreamHost and others. Since version 3.1, you can setup the extension to automatically convert the downloaded movies to your preferred video format. When you are on a page containing links to images or movies, you can download some or all of them at once. Moving the mouse over the items in the menu will highlights the links directly in the page to make sure they are the ones you want to pick up. DownloadHelper also allows you to download files one by one, so that you keep bandwidth to surf for other stuff to download. To modify your preferences, like changing the download directory, right-click on the icon and choose "Preferences"." Trebuie sa spunem ca Video Download Helper este si preferatul nostru, merge de minune in Firefox Ubuntu, si poate converti rapid fisierele descarcate. Poate mai tarziu o sa facem si un tutorial despre Video Download Helper.


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